
Clients Say it Best!

A few testimonials from our current and past clients.


“I participated in Bruce’s Entrepreneurial Growth Course and the value I left with impacted my business greatly. My sales and customer closure rate have increased greatly since implementing his techniques.”

Bruce Russell Business Coaching 185

Small Business Owner

“Bruce has helped me in my business, bringing clarity to problems and helping me find solutions to my problems. I highly recommend him!”

Bruce Russell Business Coaching 186

Insurance Agent-Owner

“…I learned so much from your questioning, you have helped me grow as a leader….you gained our trust in a very short period of time with your authentic, humble approach and dedication to our staff."

Bruce Russell Business Coaching 187

Administrator - Leader

“I appreciate all that I have learned from you and enjoyed our time working together.”

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Marketing Director

“The knowledge and expertise that Bruce brings to the table are beyond imagination.”

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Sales Manager

“Learning how to manage time, set priorities, and stay focused has had a dramatic positive effect on my business.”

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Bruce Russell Business Coaching 191

“The knowledge under the belt with this guy is pleasantly frightening. You don't even have to be talking business with him and you feel empowered, confident, and secure. So, when you do talk business, hear the man out for all he has to offer and use his coaching to the highest potential!”


  • 920-438-9264